Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Debunking the “hassles” of our favorite home essentials

There’s a gadget for everything these days and they all claim that they will make our lives easier and better. While we’re still not 100% sold on the merits of a smart toaster, there are quite a few smart devices that we find ourselves constantly recommending to customers. When we make recommendations, we often get feedback that customers think that it is a hassle to install and use some fan-favorite smart devices, so they just avoid them altogether. We don’t believe that there should be a barrier of entry for building the smart home of your dreams and we also believe that with just a few tips, anyone can master the installation of these gadgets and reap their benefits. 

Smart Locks:

Smart Locks are the revolutionary way to lock and unlock the doors in your home. They connect to your smartphone and you can use an app to lock and unlock them without using a key. Some of them also have keypads so that you have the choice between typing in your code or using the app to unlock. The app software lets you track when the door was opened and which codes were used and when. Paired with a smart security system, a smart lock is the ultimate upgrade in securing your smart home. 

Installation and Setup

The Easy Parts: Smart locks are not much more complicated than installing a standard deadbolt on your front door. Other than a screwdriver, the box will come with all of the tools you’ll need for the installation including detailed instructions. The setup process for each lock is different, but each one uses an app to guide the user through installation and setup.

The Hard Parts: If you don’t have a hole for a deadbolt already cut in your door, you’ll need to cut one yourself. This will require the use of some power tools that you’ll need to acquire. Smart locks with keypads, like the Kwikset Lock and the Google Nest x Yale Lock, have a few more steps to follow and more hardware during installation. They’re also bulkier and a little heavier, but it can still be a one-person job. A lock without a keypad like the August Lock, is easier to install but does not have keypad capabilities. 


We recommend checking out some youtube videos if you’d like to see someone complete the installation and setup before giving it a try yourself. Here are the videos we recommend for each lock: 

Kwikset Lock:

Google Nest:

August Lock:

Smart Doorbells: 

Smart doorbells like the Ring, SimpliSafe, or the Nest allow you to see, hear, and record what goes on outside your front door. The app will alert you when the camera detects movement and intercom features allow you to communicate with whoever may be at your door. 

Installation and Setup

The Easy Parts: Most smart doorbells have very intuitive software to use and the installation guides are detailed and easy to follow. A power drill is the most difficult tool you may be required to use but only if the wall outside your home is made of brick or stone. 

The Hard Parts: Installing a smart doorbell will require you to work with some wiring but don’t let that deter you! Most doorbells only have two wires and the installation guides that come with the device will walk you through the process. It is very important to turn off the power to your doorbell before installation. You can do this by shutting off the right line on your breaker. 


Here are some videos we recommend for each doorbell: 




Smart Plugs: 

Smart Plugs are the perfect tool for turning everyday appliances and objects in your house into smart devices. Plug one into an outlet, then plug a lamp, charger, or extension cord into the smart plug. You’ll then be able to use the associated app to track energy usage, control power to the device, control the device with a voice assistant, and integrate the device with your existing smart home system. According to, the best smart plugs of 2020 are the: TP-Link Kasa Smart WiFi Plug Mini, the SmartThings Wi-Fi Smart Plug, and the WeMo Wi-Fi Smart Plug

Installation and Setup

The Easy Parts: If you can plug in an outlet, you can install a smart plug! 

The Hard Parts: Depending on the brand of the plug, you may have to install and use an unfamiliar app to use all of the plug’s features. Check the compatibility of the plug before you purchase to make sure it will work with the device you have. 


Here’s a great video that explains how to use and install smart plugs:

Password managers: 

While not technically a gadget, we believe that using a password manager on your work and home computers is a smart move for both security and peace of mind. The best passwords are supposed to be random and unique to each site, but that’s much easier said than done. 

Programs like LastPass, Keeper, and Dashlane are browser extensions designed to save all of your usernames and passwords like an address book. When you visit a site and log in, the program will ask you to save your username and password. The next time you visit that site, the program will automatically remember your password so that you don’t have to type it in. These programs will suggest strong passwords for sites and remember them for you. 

Installation and Setup

The Easy Parts: Once you have the password manager installed, you only have to remember to save your passwords to it when logging into your favorite sites. 

The Hard Parts: Learning how to use whichever program you choose will be a learning curve. Passwords are important and are often the only things that stand between you and cyber thieves, so while it may take some time, mastering the program will be worthwhile. 


Here are some great videos that explain how useful password managers are and how to use them: 

The Verge:


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from uBreakiFix Blog

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Keep Your Tech Secure and the Cyber Thieves Away

As our tech gets more advanced, unfortunately, so do the tactics of cyber thieves. Scams and traps to get access to your personal information are harder than ever to identify as they are often disguised to look like safe and normal things that you do every day. There’s nothing to worry about, however, if you have the right tools and awareness to protect your devices and identify potential scams. Here are our best tips to protect your devices and some recommendations on what tools to use in the process. 

Note: If you think that your device has already been infected with a virus or malware, the best thing to do is to turn the device off and bring it to a repair professional.

Password protection and password managers

Experts say that the best passwords are a series of seemingly random numbers, letters, and symbols and that you should not use the same password for multiple sites. While that sounds like good advice, it’s much easier said than done. With all the sites that require the use of usernames and passwords, how could anyone be expected to make them completely unique but also remember them? This is where a password manager can really come in handy. 

Programs like LastPass, Keeper, and Dashlane are designed to save all of your usernames and passwords like an address book. First, you create a browser extension using one of these programs, and then when you visit a site and log in, the program will ask you to save your username and password. The next time you visit that site, the program will automatically remember your password so that you don’t have to type it in. These programs will suggest strong passwords for sites and remember them for you, taking the guesswork out of logging in.

Different programs come with varying price tags, but most have a free option for you to try before committing. Password protection is the easiest step you can take to avoiding identity theft, and should not be taken lightly. 

Using Only Secure Wifi Networks 

Now that every coffee shop and subway station has free Wifi, it can be easy to feel secure using them to check your private information. If you’re connecting to a Wifi that does not require a password, you are using an unsecured network and you should avoid using it. Hackers and cybercriminals are known to set up fake hotspots to try to lure people into using them so that they can spy on their important data. They can also use these unsecured networks to distribute viruses and malware. The easiest way to avoid falling into this trap is to avoid unsecured wireless networks or use a VPN. A VPN is a service or app that encrypts your data making it impossible for a hacker to decipher it. Popular VPN services like NordVPN or Express VPN are worthwhile investments if you’re frequently using public or unsecured networks for work or school. 

Stay up to date with updates

When your computer or phone asks you if you’d like to download the latest update, don’t delay it. New updates to the operating systems tend to include security updates and bug fixes making your defense system impenetrable against hackers and viruses. 

Don’t click on pop-ups, unknown links, or suspicious messages

The most frustrating thing about how smart cyber-hackers are is the way they are able to disguise their efforts to look like something harmless. It’s getting harder to identify potential threats online, but staying aware is key. If something looks suspicious, don’t click on it. Companies, the government, and friends rarely ask you for your personal information online, so never give anyone this information without being absolutely positive that it is legitimate. Be wary of surveys, sweepstakes, and other enticing offers that seem too good to be true. 

Cyber thieves and hackers are smart, but being wary of your activities online and the sites you visit can have a huge impact on whether or not you are targeted. 


The post Keep Your Tech Secure and the Cyber Thieves Away appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

from uBreakiFix Blog

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Que puis-je faire à propos de mon ordinateur lent?

L’une des réalités les plus malheureuses (et frustrantes) à propos de la technologie sur laquelle nous comptons au quotidien est qu’elle ne vieillit pas toujours bien. Cela est particulièrement vrai avec nos ordinateurs portables et nos ordinateurs de bureau. Chaque jour, nos ordinateurs de bureau et nos ordinateurs portables nous aident à mener nos activités, à faire des travaux scolaires et à rester en contact. Cette utilisation quotidienne signifie qu’il est facile de remarquer quand les appareils présentent des signes de vieillissement et de ralentissement subséquent.

Nous allons examiner les raisons pour lesquelles les ordinateurs ralentissent avec le temps et ce que vous pouvez faire pour empêcher ce ralentissement. Nous avons également un rabais de 10 % sur un service de mise à niveau de la mémoire par uBreakiFix (lisez jusqu’à la fin pour obtenir plus de détails).

Si vous n’avez jamais fait face à un ordinateur lent, vous vous demandez peut-être que sont les signes d’un ordinateur portable ou d’un ordinateur de bureau lent. Posez-vous les questions suivantes :

  • Votre ordinateur prend-il beaucoup de temps à s’activer?
  • Vos pages Web prennent-elles beaucoup de temps à charger complètement?
  • Le téléchargement de photos ou de vidéos prend-il plus de temps qu’avant?
  • Vos services de diffusion en continu sont-ils souvent interrompus par la mise en mémoire tampon?

Alors, qu’est-ce qui provoque le ralentissement d’un ordinateur au fil du temps?

Les experts disent que les trois raisons les plus courantes pour lesquelles nos ordinateurs ralentissent au fil du temps sont les suivantes :

  • Corruption du logiciel et du disque dur de l’ordinateur
  • Manque d’espace mémoire vive ou RAM
  • Manque d’espace sur le disque dur

Si vous n’avez pas la moindre idée de ce que l’un ou plusieurs de ces termes signifient, ne vous inquiétez pas, c’est l’endroit où nous intervenons. Comprendre la façon dont votre ordinateur sauve les choses est beaucoup plus simple qu’il n’y paraît.

Lorsque vous ramenez un tout nouvel ordinateur à la maison et que vous le sortez de sa boîte, celui-ci semble aussi rapide que l’éclair. Eh bien, c’est parce qu’un nouvel ordinateur est comme une page blanche, aucun élément ne prend de la mémoire, ni de l’espace pour l’instant. Par contre, avec le temps, vous commencez à télécharger des fichiers, à créer des documents, à téléverser des photos et à installer des applications et des jeux. Toutes ces tâches, même le simple fait de naviguer sur le Web, commencent à prendre de l’espace dans la mémoire de l’ordinateur. Lorsque vous naviguez sur le Web et que vous visitez vos sites préférés, votre ordinateur s’en souvient et prend des notes en arrière-plan. De cette façon, vous pouvez accéder plus facilement à vos sites préférés la prochaine fois. Ces données sont appelées des « témoins ».

Toutes ces données sont stockées dans le système de stockage de votre ordinateur, qui est divisé en deux catégories : la RAM (ou mémoire vive) et le disque dur.

Quelle est la différence entre la mémoire vive et le disque dur?

La façon la plus simple de comparer la mémoire vive et le disque dur est de faire une comparaison avec la façon dont le cerveau humain fonctionne. La mémoire vive est comme la mémoire à court terme. Il contient tous les éléments dont vous pourriez avoir besoin bientôt selon votre ordinateur, de sorte que, lorsque vous en avez besoin, vous puissiez y accéder rapidement. Le disque dur est comme la mémoire à long terme. Il assure le suivi des données essentielles et importantes, comme la façon d’exécuter vos programmes et votre système d’exploitation. Lorsque la mémoire vive commence à manquer d’espace, elle commencera à enregistrer les données sur votre disque dur. Même si le disque dur peut stocker beaucoup de données, il a ses limites et, au fur et à mesure qu’il se remplit, vous commencerez à voir les signes de ralentissement de votre ordinateur.

Comment pouvez-vous empêcher votre ordinateur de ralentir?

La bonne nouvelle est qu’il y a plusieurs mesures que vous pouvez prendre pour vous assurer que votre ordinateur demeure plus rapide plus longtemps.

  • Effacez votre mémoire cache et votre historique de navigation.
  • Videz la corbeille de votre ordinateur.
  • Supprimez les fichiers et les programmes inutilisés.
  • Mettez à niveau la mémoire de votre ordinateur.

Mettre à niveau la mémoire d’un ordinateur

Vous souvenez-vous de ce que nous avons dit plus tôt à propos de la mémoire vive qui peut manquer d’espace? C’est vrai, mais vous pouvez aussi lui donner un coup de pouce, ce qui vous permettra d’économiser plus d’espace et d’augmenter la vitesse de votre ordinateur. La mise à niveau de votre mémoire vive est l’un des moyens les plus rapides et les plus faciles de rendre votre ordinateur plus rapide, mais la courbe d’apprentissage est abrupte.

Comment mettre à niveau la mémoire de votre ordinateur

  • Vérifiez la quantité de mémoire vive actuellement installée sur votre ordinateur et ce que cette quantité peut supporter.
  • Vérifiez le format de RAM pris en charge par votre carte mère. (Cette information se trouve en ligne ou dans la documentation fournie avec l’ordinateur).
  • Achetez une paire de modules de RAM.
  • Démontez l’ordinateur et installez la RAM.

Voyez-vous ce que nous entendons par « courbe d’apprentissage »? Nous ne suggérons jamais qu’un ordinateur soit démonté par une personne sans un niveau élevé de connaissances en matière de réparation. Heureusement, nous connaissons certains professionnels de la réparation de premier ordre qui aimeraient vous aider à mettre à niveau la mémoire de votre ordinateur. Les techniciens serviables d’uBreakiFix offrent un rabais sur les mises à niveau de la mémoire vive. Apportez votre ordinateur portable ou votre ordinateur de bureau à l’équipe d’uBreakiFix et, si les membres de l’équipe déterminent que la vitesse pourrait être améliorée avec une mise à niveau de la mémoire vive, vous obtiendrez un rabais de 10 % sur le service de mise à niveau.

Cette promotion est valide jusqu’au 31 août aux États-Unis et au Canada. Visitez votre magasin local ou appelez-le pour obtenir plus de détails.

The post Que puis-je faire à propos de mon ordinateur lent? appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

from uBreakiFix Blog

Friday, 14 August 2020

Infographic: Reevaluating Screen Time in an Age of Social Distancing

85% of parents worry about how much time their kids spend online and more than half think their children may be addicted to screens by the end of the coronavirus pandemic.

Reevaluating Screen Time in an Age of Social Distancing

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The post Infographic: Reevaluating Screen Time in an Age of Social Distancing appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

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Wednesday, 12 August 2020

iPhone Won’t Update? Try These 6 Simple Tricks

6 Quick Tricks to Fix An iPhone that Won’t Update

We find that one of the biggest misconceptions about smartphone maintenance is that it’s not that important to update your device when a new iOS or iOS update comes out. Updates are important because they contain all of the new information that your device needs to continue running smoothly like bug fixes, the latest version of important software, and even sometimes fun new emojis. When the iOS system updates, apps will also release updates taking advantage of any new features and ensuring that their content will work smoothly using the new iOS. If you don’t stay up to date with updates, your apps and software might not be compatible and cause malfunctions. 

A new update doesn’t do your device any good, however, if your phone won’t finish the update process. If you’re trying to update your iPhone and just can’t seem to get past the loading screen, don’t panic. There are a few troubleshooting tips recommended by repair professionals that can prevent this issue and get your phone up to date. 

Make sure your iPhone is compatible with the newest update. 

Unfortunately, if you’re still rocking an older Apple model, your device may not be compatible with the latest software updates. On Apple’s website, you can find a list of devices compatible with the latest iOS. For example, iOS 14 is only compatible with iPhone 6s  or newer models. So if you have anything older than the iPhone 6s, you won’t be able to upgrade the new iOS at all. If you’re still committed to that device though, that’s fine. You wouldn’t want to download a new iOS on an incompatible device because it would cause the device to drastically slow down and wouldn’t run apps and software effectively. 

Charge your iPhone.

If you have a compatible device, and your iPhone still won’t let you update your software, check your battery power. iPhones need to be at at least 50% battery or higher to start the download of an update. Apple included this functionality to prevent your phone from turning off during an update, which could end up bricking your phone. Make sure your phone is adequately charged and/or plugged in before you start a new update. A newer iPhone feature is the automatic download of new iOS’ in the middle of the night when your phone is plugged in and sitting unused. When a new update becomes available, you will get a notification asking if you’d like to approve an automatic update later that night. That way, getting an update can be as mindless as plugging your phone in before bed. 

Perform a soft reset. 

Sometimes iPhones run into an issue where the update download and installation doesn’t work successfully on the first attempt. A soft reset, also known as a ‘force restart,’ can help get things all caught up internally. To perform a soft reset, simultaneously press and hold down on the ‘power button’ and the ‘volume up’ buttons until a ‘Slide to Power Off’ option appears on the top part of the screen. Wait until the phone has been powered off for a few minutes and then use the same process to power the phone on again: hold the power and the volume up buttons at the same time until you see an Apple logo on the screen. When that appears, release both buttons. Your phone should power on as usual, but now it’s been fully refreshed and ready for another attempt at updating.

Make sure there’s enough space. 

iOS updates typically need 750 to 800 megabytes of free space available on your device before installation. To see how much free space is available on your device, go to the ‘Settings’ application on your iPhone, tap ‘General’, then scroll down to find ‘iPhone Storage’. Hit this button to see how much storage your phone currently has available. If you don’t have enough storage available, you’ll need to clear out more in order to update.

Try updating with both iTunes and the Settings application. 

In the previous step, we walked through updating using the Settings application. But if you’re getting errors when you try to update that way, try updating through iTunes instead. 

Last resort? Restore your iPhone. 

Your last resort to fix an iPhone that won’t update it to perform a full restore. This will erase everything from your phone and restore it to a factory update, but it usually also allows for a proper update. To restore your iPhone, first open iTunes. Plug in your iPhone to your computer using your Lightning cable, and click the iPhone button at the top of the iTunes application window. Hit the “Restore” button that’s located on the right hand side of your iTunes window. A window will pop up asking you to confirm that you want to restore your device. Hit confirm, and iTunes will download the newest iOS available, erase all content from your phone, then install the updated iOS version.

If you’re not sure which of these solutions is best for your device, it’s best to seek the advice of a repair professional like the helpful technicians at uBreakiFix. We’d be happy to help you figure out how to update your iPhone to iOS 14. 

The post iPhone Won’t Update? Try These 6 Simple Tricks appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

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Amazon Trade-in Program Details

Do you have an old Amazon device or mobile phone? Trade-in and trade up for something new with our Amazon Trade-in Program. 

It’s as easy as bringing your Amazon-branded devices to your local store! We’ll exchange your device for an Amazon gift card equaling the trade-in value. Plus, you’ll get 25% off your next Amazon branded device purchase on Amazon. The e-gift card amount will be added directly to your Amazon account within minutes of the trade-in. 

These are the devices that are eligible for trade-in: 


Fire Tablet

Fire TV


The devices must be in gently used and working condition to be eligible for exchange. 

Note: Not all generations or models may be accepted. 

Visit one of these participating locations to learn more or participate: 



Flower Mound

Grand Prairie


Lake Worth, TX



Uptown Dallas

West Plano

Please note: mobile device trade-ins will receive an Amazon gift card, but do not qualify for a 25% off coupon. 


The post Amazon Trade-in Program Details appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

from uBreakiFix Blog

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Mobile Phone Repair Arlington TX


mobile phone repair arlington

Mobile phone repairs at Arlington are simple and quick. There is a lot of information on the internet about different companies that provide services to repair any mobile phone that might need it. Most of the information that you get is not true because most of the companies that advertise online aren't really legitimate companies, and they are out there just to take your money. You need to be very careful with what information you give online or you could end up with a scam situation.

When you are looking for mobile phone repairs at Arlington, there are a few things that you should know. Arlington offers a variety of types of services that include repair of cell phones, wireless phones, landline and business phones, mobile computers, digital cameras and much more.

If you are looking for mobile phone repairs at Arlington you can check out a mobile phone shop in Arlington. It might take some time to find one but once you find one you want to make sure that the shop is legitimate. One of the best places to start your search is by going online to the Better Business Bureau website and checking if any complaints have been filed against the service provider. This will give you an idea of how professional the repair company is and you can also use this as a reference when talking to them.

If you are looking for the best way to go you can look for a local mobile phone repair shop. You should make sure that you look in Arlington since most people will tell you to do business in Arlington because of the reputation that Arlington has. In Arlington there is a wide range of different types of service providers, so it might be hard to find one that fits what you are looking for.

There are several types of services that you can choose from including mobile phone repair, mobile headset repair, mobile phone accessories repair and mobile phone service. There are companies that offer services for both residential and commercial purposes. You should consider what type of mobile phone you need and then research which type of service provider offers those types of services. For example, some of the bigger companies in Arlington have more than just a phone service.

If you decide that Arlington is the right place to call then you should make sure that the company is licensed. You should also ensure that the repair company is licensed with the BBB. There are a few other things that you can do to help ensure that you are working with the best Arlington mobile phone repair company. You can look online at the website of the Better Business Bureau to find out if they have any complaints filed against them and you can also ask around at the office to see if anyone has used their services before.


uBreakiFix in Arlington
4654 S Cooper St Suite 312
Arlington, TX 76017
United States
(817) 987-6556

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Why is My Computer Running Slowly & How Can I Fix It?

One of the most unfortunate realities about the technology that we rely on every day is that it does not always age well. Constant, daily use of our favorite technology breaks down the important components and causes it to slow down. 

This is particularly true with our laptops and computers. Every day our computers and laptops help us to run businesses, do schoolwork, and keep us connected. But as they age and the more we use them, it’s easier to notice and become frustrated when they show signs of slowing down. 

What are the signs of a slow laptop or computer?

  • Does your computer take a long time to power up? 
  • Do your web pages take a long time to load completely? 
  • Does downloading photos or videos take longer than it used to?
  • Are your streaming services often interrupted by buffering?

What causes a computer to slow down over time? 

Experts say that the three most common reasons that our computers slow down over time are:

  • Corruption in the software and hard drive of the computer
  • Not having enough RAM or memory space
  • Running out of hard disk space

If you don’t have a clue what one or more of those terms means, don’t worry, understanding the way that your computer saves things is much simpler than it seems. 

When you bring home a brand new computer and take it out of the box, everything it does is going to seem lightning-fast. Well, that’s because a new computer is a blank slate. There’s nothing taking up any space yet but immediately, we start to download files, create documents, upload photos, and install apps and games. All of these tasks, even just surfing the web, begin to take up space in the computer’s memory. When you surf the web and visit your favorite sites, the computer remembers and takes notes so that you can access your favorite sites more easily the next time. They call this data ‘cookies’. 

All this data is stored in your computer’s storage system which is broken into two buckets: the RAM (or memory) and the Hard Drive. 

What’s the difference between the RAM and the Hard Drive? 

The easiest way to compare the RAM and the hard drive is to compare it to the way that the human brain works. The RAM is like short term memory. It contains everything that your computer anticipates that you might need soon so that when you need it, you’ll get it fast. The hard drive is like long term memory. It keeps track of essential and important data like how to run your programs and operating system. When the RAM starts to run out of space, it will begin to funnel data to your hard drive. While the hard drive can store a lot of data, it has its limits and as it gets full, you will start to see the signs that your computer is slowing down. 

How do you prevent your computer from slowing down? 

The good news is that there are several steps that you can take to ensure that your computer stays faster for longer. 

  • Clear your cache and browsing history
  • Empty your computer’s trash can
  • Delete unused files and programs 
  • Upgrade your computer’s memory

Getting a computer memory upgrade

Remember when we said that the RAM can run out of space? That’s true, but you can also give it a boost allowing you more space and making your computer run faster. Upgrading your RAM is one of the quickest and easiest ways to make your computer run faster, but it does have a steep learning curve. 

How to upgrade your computer’s memory

  • Check how much RAM is currently installed on your computer and check how much it can support. 
  • Check what RAM format your motherboard supports. (This info can be found online or through the documentation that came with the computer). 
  • Purchase a pair of RAM modules.  
  • Take the computer apart and install the RAM. 

See what we mean by a learning curve? We never suggest that a computer be taken apart by someone without a high level of repair knowledge. But luckily, we know some top-notch repair professionals who would love to help you upgrade your computer’s memory. The helpful techs at uBreakiFix are offering a deal on RAM upgrades. Bring your slow laptop or computer to uBreakiFix and if they determine that the speed could be improved with a RAM upgrade, you’ll receive 10% off the upgrade service. 

This promotion is valid until 8/31 and is eligible in the US and Canada. Visit or call your local store for more details. 

The post Why is My Computer Running Slowly & How Can I Fix It? appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

from uBreakiFix Blog

Common Gaming System Problems & Troubleshooting Tips

Whether you’re a serious gamer or just a casual player, there’s nothing like getting lost in a good video game. There is also nothing quite like the frustration of trying to play your favorite game but halted by an issue with your gaming system. If your favorite gaming system is on the fritz but you’re not sure exactly what is wrong, check out these common gaming system issues and troubleshooting tips. 

HDMI Port Issues

The HDMI port on a game console is the thick wire that connects the console to the TV so that you can see and hear the games you’re playing. This wire can come loose and cause signal loss, but the port itself can also be damaged over time. Here are some troubleshooting tips if you think your HDMI port is malfunctioning: 

First, check to see that there is no visible damage done to your HDMI port. Replacing the HDMI port on the Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo Switch requires soldering experience that is best left up to repair professionals. If the port looks normal, you can try replacing the HDMI cable with a new one to ensure that it isn’t the cause of the malfunction. You should also check that the cable is inserted correctly on both ends and then power cycle your console to rule out a software issue.  

Disc Drive Issues

Drive issues in gaming consoles are unique based on the system that you use. The Xbox and Playstation both use discs and a disc drive to read game and movie information while the Nintendo switch uses game cartridges. We broke down the most common disc drive issues based on console: 

Xbox & Playstation: Disc drive issues can come in many different forms. There may be abnormal, grinding sounds coming from the drive or the system may not be reading, accepting, or ejecting the discs inserted. If you hear a grinding sound after inserting a disc into the drive, chances are, this sound is due to a loose gear. It won’t scratch your discs, but it does make them impossible for the system to read. If it is an Xbox One, you can disconnect the cables, hold the console upside down and jostle it to attempt to replace the gear or you can take it to a repair professional for a quick and easy fix. On a Playstation, the grinding could be caused by something loose near the fan. Check to make sure it is clean and free of debris, restart the system and try again. If the system is not reading discs at all, there’s a chance it could be a hardware failure. First, check for any software updates by going to Settings>System> Updates>Update Console. If your console is completely up to date and you’ve already done a restart, you may need to seek the help of a repair professional. If the disc drive is not accepting or ejecting any discs on an Xbox you can manually eject the disc by sticking a paperclip into the side vent of the console, where pressing a small orange dot will eject any discs stuck inside. If the console is not accepting discs, the issue is hardware related and would need the expertise of a repair professional to repair. On a Playstation, follow these instructions from the manufacturer support page: “Lift the panel off starting from the left side. With the top panel removed, you’ll see a screw with the PlayStation symbols on it. Remove this by turning the screw anti-clockwise to remove the HDD. Insert the screwdriver into the manual eject hole and turn clockwise to release the disc.”

Switch: If you are having difficulty getting your Switch to read the game cartridge, remove the game cartridge and make sure it is a genuine Switch game and that it is clean. Place it back into the console and try again. If the problem persists, check for any software updates or contact a repair professional. 

Controller Issues

The Xbox and Playstation both have controllers that work completely independently of the console, but the Joycons for the Switch work in tandem with the console. This can lead to unique controller issues that are frustrating, but easily solvable. 

Xbox & Playstation: If your wireless controllers aren’t responding, there are a few troubleshooting techniques to try. First, ensure that the controllers are completely charged and that the charge ports and cables are working properly. Then, update the firmware on the controller (Xbox) or reset the connection between the controller and the console. You can then attempt to connect a different controller to the console to ensure the problem lies solely with the controller. If none of these tips resolves your issue, you may have to use a cable to connect your controller to the console in order to play. 

Nintendo Switch: Users of the Nintendo switch report two recurring issues with their Joycons, disconnecting and drifting. If your Joycons occasionally disconnect, you should first attempt a software update. You can find this by clicking System Settings>System>Update. If the problem persists, you can recalibrate the Joycons, under the Controllers and Sensors section of the systems menu. Joycon drifting refers to the responsiveness issue that Joycons can develop over time from wear and tear. Unfortunately, without opening the controller, there is very little that you can do to prevent Joycon drifting other than being aware of how forcefully you use the joystick. 

Hard resets to fix common software issues

When faced with any issue with your game console, the first thing any tech-minded person will suggest is a reboot of the console. This powering down and back up again will wipe clean any application or bug that might be causing an issue. If you can’t use the controller or navigate the system to shut down the console normally, a hard reset might be needed. 

 Xbox: Hold the front power button down for 10 seconds and once the console shuts down, release it. Disconnect the power cable and wait about 10 seconds. Then, reconnect the console and turn it back on. 

Playstation: Hold the front power key down for a few seconds, and wait for the console to power off completely. 

Switch: Press and hold the power button until the device powers off. 

Gaming System Repair

We know that gaming system issues can be frustrating. If your troubleshooting attempts have been unsuccessful or you just want an expert opinion, you can always bring it by your local uBreakiFix location. Our helpful technicians know all about common gaming system issues and can help you determine what the issue is and what will solve it. 

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